Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Okay. Crazy dream last night guys! I remember when dreaming saying that I was going to need to remember it all. There was so little but so much. Of course, I really don't remember it all.

I will put in a nutshell what I do remember... that there was a lot of disaster back to back and then in the middle of it all, there was an awesome thing that was just about to happen, the rapture. It was sorta cool... my daughter who is 3 right now was an older teenager, however my son was still sorta young (that's my baby boi). He's about to be 2 but in my dream he was still an infant - that sorta threw things off for me. And of course, I remember thinking that Obama was the president. When all this was happening we were in a big city that was practically being destroyed by something (not sure what).

The Lord put in the spirit of some of His people that the chaos was occurring (and things were REALLY bad) because the end of society and life as we know it was about to change forever; Christ was coming (like literally at that time) to gather His church. I remember talking to my daughter and asking her if she would believe that Christ was real and basically about His business.

Anywho, I can usually tell the difference between a regular wild dream from my own thoughts and one from the Lord. I surely think that this one was from a busy mind. But as I read over my dream, I know that it can symbolize or actually mean a number of things.

For those who know me, I have a strong history of my dreams playing out. I remember the last dream that came true (kinda) in July 2007. Me and my family were driving over the Mississppi bridge and it collapsed into the Mississippi river! So of course I prayed and prayed that it not happen to us and I prayed for the people traveling over the bridge and the bridge itself (because we were living in Memphis, TN at the time - where a bridge was located). Low and behold, the next week a bridge in Minnesota collapses into the Mississippi river. But here was the actual news story:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

An outlook on this oil spill...

Okay. So in science, sometimes the most basic idea to start with is the best idea. And I have a most basic idea ever about fixing the oil spill.

I think of whenever we get puncture wounds, or boo boos; what do we do? We wrap it up. Find a way and the material to wrap the thing up and then add a sealant over it.

Sure I don't have details but just wrap the darn thing with a prayer and a thank you and then weld some metal over and around it.

If u got ideas, jot them down here if u like.