Saturday, October 3, 2009

Amazing Footage of Anne Franke

Here's amazing footage courtesy of the Anne Frank House Museum. There is a wonderful YouTube channel dedicated to her where they also show video of Otto (A.F.'s father) and Nelson Mandela speaking about her.

We were (and remain) in awe of the innocence of a little Jewish girl by the name of Anne Frank. In "The Diary of Anne Frank" she told of life as a young teen lady going through life as best as possible while in hiding from Nazis. She was eventually arrested and taken to the concentration camps where she died of typhus

Here is the only moving video of Anne Frank, taken years before her arrest

AJ Jewell Died Last Night in Brawl at Strip Club

I feel really so sad for his family! I saw late last night that people were twittering about Kandi and didn't think anything of it until my husband told me what happened.

For those who can't recall who I'm talking about, AJ is that man on Real Housewives of Atlanta that had "a lotta kids", "babymamas", and Kandi's mom didn't want her to marry... so I guess she got her wish. He's gone permanently and I wonder how she feels now.

Lord what are those women gonna do about having all those kids! AJ had like 6 kids... and now he's dead? Over something so ignorant and un-called for? Too many battles to keep a man in the home... either a rollin stone, sexual addictions, drugs or hustlin, gay, jail or death...Thank God for the onces that make it through!

Kandi had announced on the Wendy Williams show the other night that the ring he gave her is in a safe deposit box and that they were taking a break in their relationship.

Jewell was taken to the hospital after his fighting altercation at Body Tap [Strip]Club last night, where he died.

Attention My Lovely Non-Cooking Ladies

There really are less women in the kitchen these days, lets just admit it! Sure, we want to make it seem like we're chefs by day and freaks by night to cater to our hubbies. We are really suppose to be that superwoman; successful, fly, independent, the personal porn star, the Christian, the cook, the childcare attendant, the caretaker and the maid. PA-leese. We'll burn out like a fuse. You can't always do it all, do it perfect, and do it in a timely fashion. I see today why my grandmother had a maid... so that she could be a wife and a mother. Now everyone can't afford a maid now-a-days but I see the value in the help. Exhaustion and depression often can result from trying to play the show role for your family and friends... but to be honest, if you have to put on a show for friends, then your friends should be paying you... and honey they ain't payin' I'm sure - so stop giving them a show! If friends treat you different because you decided not to comb your childs head for the day (or two - lol) then find new friends.

But I've gotten off my point here. My point is that busy schedules, lack of motivation and being unorganized blocks us ladies from our full and realistic potential in todays kitchen. We need quality help where we can get it! I would love a personal chef or someone to help guide me in my kitchen without loosing a wad of money! Is this possible? Yes! For VERY little money? Yes my sisters it is!

Here are my two new best friends (in my mind)! These ladies provide solutions from Heaven and you won't have to repent for using them! Take your first steps away from the pains of stepford hassle! We should remember that cooking for the fam should be a joy and taken more seriously... I have been in the wrong for so long, that my husband doesn't even know what it feels like to have a home cooked meal from me, 5 days in a row. I'm in the process of a 'kitchen mentality make-over'!

1. If you need someone to cook your meals for you (healthy and wholesome) check out personal chefs in your area but one that I love personally is Your Intimate Affairs with Chef Lane. She is amazing and reasonable. Currently she even has a great event happening for date nights, romance and learning altogether. Click the pic:

2. If you want to do all the cooking yourself and need help organizing your kitchen mentality [ I call it], then you have got to get with Dawn Billesbach with
You are provided with a weekly menu and shopping list every week! And you will ABSOLUTELY NOT believe the price for the service!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Big Beauty and Plenty of Booty

OK. So glamour promised to show more regular ladies in their mag. OK. So I guess for the promise kick-off they decided to be over-the-top and show the "plus" sized model in the buff... hmmm. Beautiful they are but I hope they didn't bare it all for nothing. Glamour better make good on actually showing these "real" women in some real clothes in great ads! To me, putting them on the cover naked was like saying, "We don't have clothes to fit them yet, but we're getting there"! I mean wow. Some of you may be thinking that I'm looking too deeply at it and that they were just trying to show how beautiful their bodies are. But let's be honest, the only people who determine what's beautiful in the fashion realm, are those that run the industry. That's why plus women haven't been the majority in the first place. In my opinion, they should have shown them in some of the hottest trends that would give plus size women the understanding that high fashion is for them just as for any waif! In my belief, that would have opened up a whole other demand and stream of revenue for designers. But of course... the sample issue always arises, yes? Money and sample sizes are the bottom line, and more fabric means more costs and overall, more overhead. I mean, what is it? Do designers feel that by making plus sizes available that they are condoning over-eating? I mean c'mon!

So I'm excited to see where this will lead. The magazines have a lot of power. They say what's in and what's not. So if being thick is okay, I think we'll finally see fewer ladies hitting the bathrooms after meals; they may just undo that hidden button on their pants instead!

Quick Mention - Designer Mark Fast (who offers great collections)...
How obscene will this be for some? Idk... If the fashion industry reacts anything like Mark Fast's staff, then it's gonna be a fight! In London, newer Canadian designer Mark Fast wanted to let average sized ladies know that his clothes are for them too. His casting director and stylist both walked out on him in strong disagreement to using the plus models - depending on who tells the story. He used 3 regular sized (8 & 10) models for his show and he lost his help! What oh what will fashion do if there is change? Some people are just not confident in the very look of the woman that they may likely reflect!

The Season is "Precious"

The novel "Push" by Sapphire is pushed to the forefront...

I remember, as I was watching the preview in the theatre next to my mother, being instantly engaged in the rawness of the portrayed roles. Tears welled up as I heard the powerful unspoken dialogue that toiled within the characters. I thought "these actors are coming from a real place"!

I can't wait to see this movie! I'm as waif as they come yet all women can relate to the outward and inward struggles that pressure and plague us when no one is looking.

Tyler Perry and Oprah have banded together to birth on screen the novel "Push" written by Sapphire, which is known to be a true story... whose story, Idk.

Anyhow, the movie is bound to move and encourage many I'm sure. The cast: Mo’Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah Carey, Sherri Shepherd, Lenny Kravitz, and new face, Gabourey Sidibe. Award forecast... goes to Gabby and Mo'nique... Mad kudos for freeing Mariah from her "insecurities" (we can all use a dose of that), Sherri is the best at adding realness to any project, and I'm curious about Lenny. For there to be two great comedians in this movie, it's shocking to see how very serious the tone is. This is showing how connected Mo'Nique and Sherri are to insightful issues and how they are flexible in talent - Go girls!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Modeling Advice

Random Modeling Tips to Keep for Men and Women
These are topics that are taught in the Runway Coaching by Essence, workshops and sessions. Why do a workshop? Because it enables you to get coached and properly directed with the following topics. And the great thing is that sessions are only $25 each hour. Not thousands or even hundreds! I simply don't like the idea of charging a lot of money when a model already has to spend quite a bit of money on building a book and so forth.Print this out as a reference guide for new/inexperienced models or for those who'd like a reminder.

- Don’t ever give up front money – if they ask then run away. It should NOT be mandatory to pay for modeling classes or pictures (especially on the front end) at an agency – you want them making $$ off of you not the site, classes or other fees.

- Eventually ask what costs you will be responsible for before signing a contract. Some agencies do charge to be on their website (If it costs anywhere in the hundreds I’d rethink getting with that agency. Some charge a fee to ship out your comp cards. Use good judgment. There are also travel fees, photos, comp cards… See what the agency’s system is. Usually unless you are with a larger NY agency, then you foot the bill and make the investments yourself. It should pay off if you are in your niche market.

- When meeting with an agency or going to an open call or even on a Go-see, be presentable with clean fabulous healthy hair, nails and skin with very minimal make-up. Don’t wear really high heels or busy clothing. Look clean, fresh, and simply fabulous at your age! Don’t wear tennis shoes. Where a fitted ensemble that preferably shoes legs (men and women). Wear black to be safe.
Don’t be intimidated or you probably won’t think clearly. Give people your full attention! No distractions, no candy or gum. No food or drinks. No phone, no ipods, etc! Or at least turn your phone off. Be as professional and respectful as possible. Respect the clothes! Don’t sit in the clothes, play around, nor comment negatively. If you have nothing nice to say, remember that your thoughts as the model mean nothing until you say something negative! You never know who is listening or who will tell what you say. So respect every client’s products. Have good questions (for the agency). Prepare them ahead of time and take them on paper with you with a pen to write the answers. It shows you have focus and are professional and serious about being represented by them. Interact with the agent you speak with. Ask questions to the agent and ask for clarity on topics you aren’t sure about.
- Never feel pressure to do anything you wouldn’t normally do. You can choose the work you want to do as long as you fit that market. So if you don’t feel good about promoting smoking for example, let the agency know ahead of time. They usually have a list of things that you can check off that you aren’t willing to do. Ask for that.

- Know what market you are good for and work it to the fullest. Represent yourself as that market when meeting clients. Take your career seriously. Be confident in your abilities

- Runway - Learn the basics of catwalking to be confident in that area if you think you’ll fit in that market. Remember to simply lean straight back on your tail bone, shoulders back, head up and straight, one foot in front of the other. Be tasteful and confident, not bouncy!!!  View the fashion shows I have here on my blog and practice their walk.
Normal runway requirements are 5’9” to about 6’0 for women – men 6’0 – 6’3”.
If you aren’t that height then you probably shouldn’t waste time trying for that market. Focus on the market you were built for and build on that.

- Commercial market - If your aren’t at least 5’9” then seek out more commercial agencies and think more about commercial print work and acting; in which you should surely take the time to get trained. Acting is no joke and actors come a dime a dozen. How will you stand out (in a GOOD way). You must show your talent. For print, you must know your good angles and know how to work your eyes. Buy some fake lashes and put them on to inspire you (if you are lashly challenged like me), and practice your looks. Take pictures and play around with different poses. Get use to posing without a mirror because you won’t have one at a photo shoot to gaze into! You will have to be comfortable and confident in your motions. Study print work like catalog and editorial. If you want to do swimsuit or athletic print work than study those poses. Be open to have a friend tell you when you look a hot mess or when you’re on point with posing for a camera.

- Model bookings - It is an unwritten rule to be 15 minutes early to everything. Sometimes for runway shows, it’s good to be 30 minutes early. Keep the professionalism up at all times but know how to stay relaxed because it’s your natural personality that is radiating and selling the product!

[Runway] Tips
Assessing Individual goals – What are your personal reasons for taking runway lessons? Establish your goals (short/long term, modeling career, need of skill or other personal reasons, or just a productive outlet). Consider how far you want to go with runway. Are you serious about modeling f/t or p/t? Are you able to fully dedicate yourself to modeling? Do you fit the bill – what are the basic requirements and do you meet them?
Confidence, care, & comfort on the runway (personal concerns and/or fears) – How well do you walk off the runway? How comfortable are you in heels or walking in public? How do you feel being spotlighted? How confident are you in yourself? Remember that you have something to offer whether on or off the runway – you are born to make a difference and do wonderful things. Who are you as a professional? Find your professional representative. The pattern of our thoughts determine your outcomes with anything you do in life.
Character – Who you are and who they want! Humility, integrity, confidence, personality, manners, morals. Clients and agencies want models who have a certain look. But how much better to also be a model with good character!
Be aware of runway obstacles – Lighting, stairs, runway shape and length, props, walking with others on the runway (choreography), runway surface…
Lighting and photography – The eyes, body posture for cameras and uniformity. A lot of designers don’t like a lot of turns and twists and arm movements anymore because it’s more difficult for a photographer to get a great shot of the garment. So unless the garment calls for certain movements then keep it simple and do as the show coordinator asks.
Before a show – Understand that a runway job is not only the runway show itself. From the time you show up [early] to the time you leave, your behavior/activity is [mentally] noted and can effect your outcome for more or less shows. Even after you have booked a job and must go to fittings; wear nude underwear (but wear underwear!), don’t wear a lot of make-up.
Runway ethics (what not to do) – bad language, disrespectful tones, negative comments about people or clothing, not listening and following exact instruction, talking while being instructed (directly or indirectly), taking or using clothing items that don’t belong to you, using oils or scented products on the skin or clothing (no colognes nor perfumes), dirty hair or body, colored or non-manicured nails, not shaven or waxed (bikini line, stomach, legs, etc)…
Walking (taking your inner diva/swag for a stroll) – The proper way to walk the runway and choreography. Men, watch men in the high fashion shows in NY – practice it. Women the same.
Model bag; female/male: fragrance & oil free lotion, tampons, leg/eye razor, make-up bag (concealer, foundation, blush, eyeshadows, mascara, lashes, sponges, bronzer, necessary brushes) , hair bag (hair pins and thin pony holders your hair color, clear gel), sheer & black stockings (always buy sheer to waist), leggings. Blk pair, wht pair. Shoes; sole grippers, a neutral sandal, black heel, brown/black/cream boot, gold heel, silver heel, white/cream heel, black flats, white/cream flats (men-dress shoes similar colors). Also, have a scarf (or bandana) to cover your face when putting on clothes – this prevents make-up from getting everywhere. Robe to cover self when needed. The shoes in your bag are a last resort option if they are not already provided.
Hair, clothing, and make-up emergency – male or female, know your flaws (if any) and how to apply your own make-up and do your own hair if you must. But if all else fails, be sure to be one of the first in line to get taken care of if possible. It’s good to have a personal assistant with you that is quiet and professional to help with outfit changes (if allowed), if there are no show assistants available to help with your clothing changes (there usually are).
(Tips All Courtesy of Runway Coaching by Essence)

Here are some simple modeling terms to know:

Modeling Definitions Courtesy of

Modeling Agent-Model and talent agents provide representation to actors, models and other talent. The agency helps you find work and collects money after your work is complete. The agency then takes a commission from your work (usually 10-20%) and sends you the rest.

(to) Book- Booking happens when a company selects a model for a particular job. This term is most often used when referring to a model being selected for, say, a runway job.

A Book- A book is usually used when referring to a model’s portfolio.

Callback- All callback is when a client is interested in a model or actor and would like to see them for a second time, prior to making the ultimate selection as to who will get the modeling job.

Composite Card- Also known as a “comp” card, it is a card with a couple of pictures that a model or modeling agency uses to land model work.

Fashion Modeling- Fashion modeling is modeling where the clothing is the central focus.

Fitting- A model goes to a fitting prior to being booked for, say, a runway job. There, the model tries on the clothes of the designer so that booking and other decisions can be made about the talent.

Figure Modeling- Fashion modeling is the kind of modeling where the body is the central focus, such as nude modeling.

Fit models- Fit models are used to test the sizing of sample garments.

Go-See- An interview or audition for a model prior to being booked

Junior Model- A model that looks young and can model junior-sized clothing.

Model Bag- Any bag that is used to carry the necessary items a model needs, such as a change of clothes, deodorant, combs and brushes.

Model Release- A model release is a contract a model signs giving clients permission to use photos of them.

Parts Model- A parts model is a model that is photographed at specific parts of the body, such as the model’s hands or feet.

Portfolio- Contains photos, usually of a model’s prior work, that is used at go-sees to determine which model will be selected for a job.

Print Work- Unlike runway modeling, this work is done using still camera pictures and is used for print, such as magazine photos.

Runway Modeling- The opposite of Print Work, this modeling usually involves a catwalk for models to display a designers clothing line.

Modeling Definitions courtesy of

What is "Good Hair"? Do you have it?

This is a must see movie! Chris Rock has done it again! You know he loves to prove a point. I have a feeling this will be the first of a few more to come of its kind!
He has gone behind the scenes of the true mentalities about black hair. Weaves, thoughts, preferences, the black hair care industry... it all gets exposed. What o' what will we find???

Here's a sneak peek at Chris Rock's new documovie Good Hair to be release October 23rd.

OMG Rachel Roy Kills It & Tracy Reese is Lovely as Always!

I wish I had better video of Rachel Roy's 2010 Spring line! Every item was beautiful! In my book she has been the best to show for Spring. She shows a realistic line that embodies how a women wants to feel... respected, confident, classy... like a lady.

Here is her 2010 Spring line featured on her site! Check it out!,default,sc.html

Tracy Reese is NEVER a fashion let down!
"I asked myself, 'What does a woman really need in her wardrobe right now?' " she said before the show. " 'And how do we make these clothes more versatile?' "
Tracy Reese stuck to basic pieces. Some say that she was basically forced to do a simple line due to a down economy... I think not. I think she was simply thinking smart.