Friday, September 18, 2009

Newer Gay Agenda Spreads in Hollywood

So I guess a new way of avoiding marriage is to simply tell your significant other that you are refusing to marry as a protest for gay marital rights! You'll get married only when gays can marry and that's that! That should get your girlfriend or boyfriend off your case about getting married... at least for a while.

Brangelina, Mechad Brooks (BKA Eggs from True Blood), and Charlize Theron have all spoken out about gay marital rights and have chosen not to marry for the sake of it. featured a recent interview with Charlize Theron. She's been with the same man for 8 years yet has decided not to marry until gays are allowed to get married just as heterosexual couples. She mentioned that she would stand up for any group Christian or otherwise if she felt they were being oppressed...but let me not go there, for Christian oppression is never-ending!

(SEGWAYING) This is one of the sadest forms of current protests! Charlize makes it plain that it's very dangerous to treat a society according to personal beliefs, yet this is what societies are made up with and of! Granted, history has proven the dangers of extreme religious dictatorship, but it is not to be compared with the obviously healthy and good natured beliefs of the teachings of Christ. Obviously there are many who don't believe in Christ Jesus of Nazareth so the Christian teachings on homosexuality just seem ABSOLUTELY ridiculous and anti-gay/les. People constantly beat against and twist God's teachings on homosexuality in order to justify the lifestyle. This is expected. It just grieves me, as a Christian, to know that people are adding sin on top of sin already by proudly justifying an abomination and then making a bigger insult to God by fornicating to support it! It just makes no godly sense to me.

And just a side thought, for those that feel like homosexuals are being discriminated against wrongly because they are "born that way", here is what I say to that... Scientifically there are no findings of this and also Jesus stated for such things that we "must be born again of water and [His] spirit". Heck I was having fits of rage, clubbing like crazy and sexing outside of marriage when I came to Christ but I bet you I no longer felt a need for those things upon growing in the knowledge and fellowship of Christ. I went to Him as I was but had come to understand at least to some extent, the holiness of God. So none of us have any excuse for our sins. It is what it is and all we can do, if given the chance, is accept His forgiveness and His lordship. Still, no one should ever be hated against but rather should be treated with love, kindness and respect, according to the teachings and in the Spirit of Christ Jesus. God didn't hate on me for being a sinner, rather He loved me in understanding though He hated my sin. But through recognition of my sins, I have gained a deeper understanding of the blessings of grace towards others as well as myself and appreciate what I have with the Lord.

I'll end it like this... It's like my wise and beautiful mother says, "Celebrity marriages rarely last anyway, so what power does their stand [on marriage] really hold?" Lol is that mean to say?????

Feel free to comment about this topic.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

MB Spring 2010 Fashion Week

I'll be putting up videos I find from the Spring 2010 Fashion Week (Sept 10-17) that I think have cute pieces. I must ask though...Where are the black american designer fashions?????

Christian Siriano

Arise: African Promise Collective

Pamella Roland

Cynthia Steffe


Narciso Rodriguez

Carolina Herrera

Michael Kors
