Saturday, August 22, 2009

So They Waited... and Waited

I was one of those people who would say that I would call you right back and then not do so.

You know, I really thought that it was normal to do that. Surely the person I'd say it to didn't really expect me to call them right back. I mean I just figured that if I remembered to or needed to actually call them right back then cool, but if not, then it was no big deal! I thought nothing more of it.
Does this sound familiar? Sure it does. You either do it to someone or someone does it to you. It's just that common.

One of my best friends recently had this same complaint about business calls that needed to be followed through on. She felt she should not have to track down grown individuals to get time sensative updates. She has full right to be disappointed. They would tell her they would call back with the info and then never call back!

It took for my brother to drill his point home to me about this very act that I was constantly committing against him. He kept reminding me of how he really took me for my word when I said I'd call back. He complained that he'd expect the call the same day but then days would go by and he'd here nothing from me.
Without him saying this directly to me, I was finally starting to understand that what I was doing was being inconsiderate of other people. I didn't know that people were taking my words seriously. My mother, brother, sister-in-law, and friends all at some point had this issue with me. I realized I was being selfish in my thinking; I never even thought to consider their feelings...I didn't think it was important enough. However, it made everyone feel as if I felt they weren't important enough to care.

Think about it. When someone you care about says they will call you back - especially when you are discussing something of importance - don't you sit closer to your phone, expecting to get that returned call? How does it make you feel when you never hear back? Do you end up having to be the one to call back?
Lets do unto others as we'd have them do unto us. :o)

So now when I say I will call back, these are not aimless words that will go out void. My words will complete their task. Even if I am unable to call right back to finish a conversation, I now try to at least call back within the same day or 24 hours. It's a simple and selfless act of respect.

I was also one of those people who would hang up the phone without saying goodbye. The grandparents hated that one!

Earring Pins

Something that I absolutely love and can never find are earring pins. They make a stud earring look basic. They're fun, flirty, bold, & scarce - which makes them a great treasure for your jewelry collection!

The earrings featured are White Gold and Diamond Wing Earrings from See my entire ensemble here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More Polyvore!

Okay so here are the fashion sets of my choice thus far. You can eye fashion and much much more at

Find me on Polyvore

My Polyvore Fun!

Check out what's in the news and what's relevant for today! Click here.

Polyvore is the go-to for fashion, furniture, and art collages. Above is one of my personal 'what's hot' fashion collages I put together.

If you are someone that can sometimes be clueless as to what to buy for yourself then Polyvore is a place to explore your options without wasting money on buying things you'll never wear! Let your dreams come true on Polyvore. Have at it so you'll know exactly what you want when it's time to shop!

To see more simply click the pic!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lazy Workout that Works...Go Figure

Let the baby that gave you the fat, take off the fat! Make it a daily event! These are exercises that can be done with your baby in your arms.

Some of you that know me are probably wondering why I would be writing about taking off the fat when I've always been thin and trying to gain weight. Well after having my two babies, yeah, I was thin, but I had no tone and cellulite was making me feel even less sexy.(For those who don't know, cellulite on a skinny woman really makes us look lazy! LOL) But seriously. After having my second child I really wasn't getting out at all; even now.

So here are a few moves from my "Lazy Lady Workout Routine" that I do right in my bed or on the couch watching Young & the Restless (my guilty pleasure). If you're like me, you will almost feel guilty getting in a nice workout without having to go to the gym!

A couple of these workouts work great while breastfeeding but overall for just bonding with your baby through holding or touch while you tone up during a busy day.

Short and sweet honey... don't hurt yourself but make consistent holding efforts for a few short minutes.

- Naturally stretch your entire body. Take at least 5 to 10 minutes total.

Before each position, make yourself comfortable but make sure it's you, and not your pillows doing the work!

Grab & Lift:
- Literally grab anything that you can hold with one hand while you cradle your child in your other arm. I don't care if it's your remote, or a can good. I use my purse if it's by my bed because it usually has a bit of weight to it.

- Lay close to the edge of your bed (or across the couch) with baby in arm opposite the edge.

- As you are cradling your baby, do simple arm lifts with the arm that hangs off the edge. Lower your arm as much as you can stand it and lift it back up.
You can do this with your arm straight or bend at the elbow.

- Do 3 sets, increasing the number of lifts each time. I usually go as high as I can tolerate the muscle burn - that is normally the number I stick to until I no longer feel the burn at that capacity and so I up the anti until I do feel it. I call this the 'burn notice' which is that tense burning feeling we get in our muscles. The burn is a sign of building and toning. Usually I simply do 3 sets of 35. 35 is my burn notice. Be realistic. Many do more and many do less.

- Switch baby into the opposite arm now. Also you will have to switch opposite edges of your bed or couch to let your other arm hang now. Repeat. Don't forget to keep baby as a loving focus.

My son use to fall asleep to this one.

- Lay flat.

- Cradle baby across your chest into your bosom with both arms and do half sit ups.

- Don't tense any other parts of your body so that all the muscles in your upper torso are obliged to work.

- Once again, you set the count according to your burn notice.

- Do 3 sets.

Get 'Em High:

- Lay flat on your bed as you hold baby in the air (straight up & out) for fun & allow your legs to slightly hang over the bed.

- Either keep baby high, keeping playful eye contact, or gently raise and lower baby as you begin to do partial sit ups while doing leg lifts (3 sets per leg).
With each leg lift, raise or lower baby (or just keep baby gently held up).

- Allow as much tension to go to your lower torso as possible.

- You can also lay flat and do this as well. However, sitting up causes the neck, abs, arms, buttocks and legs to work harder.

- Do 3 sets

Be a 2:
- If you wish to be a 2 and healthy then grab your toddler child and run, jump, giggle and wiggle with him/her. Acting like a two year old is not only great for your body and soul, but for you & your child's bond!

These were just a few quick tips for a lazy but valuable workout...Why work harder? Work smarter right?

For more from Essence click here!

*Do these exercises at your own pace and at your own risk.

90 Yr-Old Gets Vision Restored. No Explanation.

Miracle: 90-Year-Old Man Gains Back Sight

What would you do upon getting your sight back?
Well Marty Alvey, 90, is looking for a young hot love of about 75 years!

In a CNN interview, Alvey told how he was legally blind for 3 years and after being dizzy and taking a fall, he made a 911 call and took a trip to the Emergency Room. The doctors found nothing wrong with him but then he noticed that he was able to see and told the doctor… To read or see video of full story click here.