Friday, June 27, 2008

My Hubby My Hormones

Husbands are great! Wives are wonderful! The union is to the glory of God (hopefully). There is a book out called "Sent. Break forth..break free.." by Lincoln Dent that has really caught my attention. It's a book about breaking loose from being stagnant and into what God has called you forth in. In the forth chapter he talks about "sent" marriages; marriages that grow to be mighty as a union in Christ that put the enemy to flight! One of the most wonderful and humbling eurekas in this chapter is when he talks about the relationship with his wife and his mentality at one point:

"One of the things I had to learn as a husband was that my wife was not my enemy....

The reason my marriage wasn't changing or flowing in a different direction was because my mind had not been renewed in that area....

I had become one with the thoughts of the enemy. Satan and I were walking in agreement establishing his kingdom in my marriage. He accomplished this through my thought life."

- Lincoln Dent

Wow! I don't know about you, but this hit me in a huge way! These three statements of his pinpointed some obstacles that I struggle with within myself. Now I'm not some perfectionist, but God's way is perfect. He is the perfecter of our faith. I don't want people thinking that I emotionally flog myself to do God's will because then where would God's grace be magnified? It's just that these statements of his are influenced by the holy Spirit. He was made aware that in order for God to show them to the next level, and not be stagnant, he was going to have to do some maturing and self evaluating. He was going to have to understand and learn how to love his wife "as Christ loves the church". I realize more and more from reading these passages how important it is for a man to know the importance of his position in a marriage and the woman hers. If Christ is the example to the church, my husband is my example to me. If I represent the church and Jesus represents the husband in this biblical comparison, than the growth of the wife is totally suppose to be the glory to her hubby (which overall glorifies God in our union). For Jesus we are to put off the old man of the sin nature and live by the holy Spirit. In the new testament, the church is constantly being tested, perfected, and exposed (to God's glory). So how much more are we as the wives to do the same thing- put off the old man; the woman of attitude and bickering about things we see as trivial. The church can be this way; always having an attitude or disagreement about something. Doesn't this sound like a woman? lol.

We have to remember that our spouse is NOT our enemy! So why can we sometimes treat them like that?
My husband, in monotone, made a statement before bed one night - he had briefly upset me, and he made the statement to our drooling 1 year old daughter, mommy had to have her one moment of attitude for the day, as he was rolling over to go to sleep. There I was, griping and showing an impatient attitude towards my hubby over nothing really. I don't want to take something like griping too lightly because often the enemy can use such things to cause discord and open sinful doors through improper communication.

So ladies, if we want to know how we are suppose to treat our husbands in the sight of God, all we are called to do is to understand what Christ calls the church to be to Him! I challenge us all as men and women of God to study the roles of the husband, Christ Jesus and His wife the church so that we may learn how to become the powerful [kingdom] married couples He is saying we are destined to be; no matter how our hormones try to interject and control! Lol

Let us see where we can change our thinking away from assisting the enemy (with discord, impatience, and selfishness, etc), to destroying the negative holds and digging our heels in deeper into God's love towards our spouses. We have to learn to think as a unit instead of a survivor. In order to do this, I am convinced that one must first be aware as to which force one has been helping and agreeing with the most. God or satan. It may sound over the top, but most likely if this God and satan talk does sound over the top for you, then you have probably been assisting the wrong team!! lol

Consider me checked!!!
To get your copy of the book "Sent" go to to see how! It's powerful and only around $10.
