Saturday, March 14, 2009

Where on Earth is God?

Nowadays, there is such a low tolerance for the Bible and worship that I don't know how worship leaders, teachers and preachers do it.

I have noticed the pull... the struggle to break through all of the deceptions, religious traditions of man, worldly and church hurts...Hang-up on top of hang-up makes it harder than ever, in a barely believing Christian society, to publicly and heathily claim the word of God as tried, true, and triumphant. The worship becomes greatly stunted and shallow. I'm not saying that people have to shout to the rooftops and jerk about 'til their necks break off, but when someone is watching one of their sport teams play, everyone in their surrounding will know; the mood is set, the favorite snack is ready, the word is put out that it's game day!

Today it seems that people don't want to read the Bible for themselves without using it against someone or for the sake of attempting to disprove it. In some cases, people use it to justify sins. A lot of people's views of Christianity - if they step back and notice - are nothing more than a build up of other people's views, words and actions. But who is the Christ in the Bible? Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four books of the Bible tells us in great detail. So if we have to take someone's word about Christ, lets learn from the first sure-fire Christians that died for their Friend instead.

I'm hearing more and more stories it seems of people leaving the Christian faith. People get tired of feeling judged by Christians. But then again, as I would dig deeper into their stories I'd learn the actual truth was that they really never were ready to know how Sovereign God really is. Deconversions usually happen when something bad happens and God appears arrogant, mean, cold, or like a dictator. Sometimes someone just decides that the bible doesn't really make all that much sense anyway or is just easily talked out of the faith they thought they were suppose to automatically belong to. Either way, some deconversions occur out of a level of sheer arrogance or pride... Really it becomes a moment comparison to a teenager getting angry or frustrated at their parents for doing something they don't understand. Hey, I can't blame a person for that...there is so much evil in this world that God does not stop from occurring, yet who am I to say that God is wrong. I am merely the creation not the Creator. I urge the reader to check this out