Monday, August 31, 2009

Christian Louboutin


Those who truly know me, know that I am not a namebrand groupie and can wear $2 flip flops all year if the weather allows. HOWEVER, I still believe that fashion is expressed art that deserves every bit of the attention it gets (in most cases). So if there is a chance of getting these great art pieces at unbeatable prices then all should know!

For ladies who wear Christian Louboutin shoes or long to have his shoes grace your feet (vice-versa for the diva), but don't delight in going broke for the experience, the perfect place for you

The down-side is that there isn't a HUGE selection but it's enough to find the deal you may desire. He's got up to 85% savings. Shoes that are normally thousands of dollars cost no more than a pair of new Jordans (or less)!

Check out the latest in stock!

Also, while you're there, take a peek at the Manolo Blahnik and Yves Saint Laurent Collections also at 85%savings!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Look Back...

I just wanted to post some things that spoke out to me in the news dealing with Christianity.

I'm still waiting to get more info on these stories. If you have heard anything more then let me know.

In the News:

- Praying Dad Found Guilty of Reckless Homicide...
- Miracle: 90-Year-Old Man Gains Back Sight...
- Christian Girl flees from Muslim Family

Praying Dad Found Guilty of Reckless Homicide

According to The Associated Press, Dale Neumann, 47, of Wisconsin was found guilty for not seeking medical attention for his 11-year-old daughter, Madeline, who died from undiagnosed diabetes. He, his wife, Leilani and others, gathered in the home around Madeline to pray in agreement for her “complete healing”. 911 was contacted by someone in the home when she stopped breathing.

The mother, Leilani, was convicted of second-degree homicide and now both are facing up to 25 years in prison.

Prosecutors say that it was Neumann’s duty to seek medical attention for his daughter. Neumann stated, "We didn't really sense it was like a life-and-death situation. We figured there was something really fighting in her body…”

AP made mention of another incident where the parents of a 15-month-old were charged with manslaughter for depending solely on prayer instead of seeking medical attention. Their child died of pneumonia and a blood infection. Their charges were reduced to misdemeanors.

As Christians, some may want to know when it’s okay to receive secular help. I find it quite interesting that we know when to accept government aid or the help of an unsaved friend when we are in financial trials. Yet when it comes to life and death, some allow (who I believe) Satan, to trick believers into thinking that if they ask for aid in the medical arena that they are somehow doubting God and not operating in faith. The Bible says that the gifts come without repentance. Therefore, God has gifted people, saved or unsaved, for the sake of His mercy, purpose, glory, and love. We should never feel like we are having less faith for seeking medical attention. The Lord has not created us to be one-man shows and know it alls. No. We have been created to need and love one another.

Satan’s goal is to steal the Word of God from our remembrance, kill us (physically or spiritually), and destroy our destinies in Christ Jesus. Let us not be ignorant of the enemies devices. Let's not over-spiritualize simple matters.

Miracle: 90-Year-Old Man Gains Back Sight

What would you do upon getting your sight back?
Well Marty Alvey, 90, is looking for a young hot love of about 75 years!

In a CNN interview, Alvey told how he was legally blind for 3 years and after being dizzy and taking a fall, he made a 911 call and took a trip to the Emergency Room. The doctors found nothing wrong with him but then he noticed that he was able to see and told the doctor.

The doctor could find no medical reason for his sight returning.

“God blessed me. Why? I don’t know.”

Jeanette Spinelle, his daughter, told CNN about the walk they took and said that “he could see everything he couldn't see before”.

Video link:

Christian Girl flees from Muslim Family

17-year-old Rifqa Bary left her home in Ohio and fled to Florida in fear of falling victim to an honor killing by her Muslim parents for converting over to Christianity.

"They love God more than me; they have to do this," Rifqa said. "I'm fighting for my life. You guys don't understand."

As reported by The Associated Press, Rifqa is a recent Christian convert and had been communicating with a Christian Florida family through an online prayer group.

Rev. Blake Lorenz, Pastor of Global Revolution Church has been her upfront support. He stood by her side as she stated her claims of endangerment.

Authorities question whether or not Rifqa is in any real danger feeling that the parents are genuine in their concerns for their daughter. Rifqa’s father, Mohamed Bary, stated, "We love her, we want her back, she is free to practice her religion, whatever she believes in, that's OK." Her father said he didn't make any threats toward her and feels she has been wrongly influenced.

The story is a bit complex to judge for the simple fact that Muslims are known to practice Sharia law which would condone the killing of a Muslim that converts to another faith. Conversion from Islam is considered an embarrassment to Muslim families and an act against Allah.

There simply aren’t enough details from either side to determine the realness of Rifqa’s concerns. Last heard, Rifqa is in state custody and authorities aren’t fully sure if she should go back to her parents.

Video link: